Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Secrets and Fire

What is a fire award?

No, it's not an award for lazy bloggers nor a reminder that your blog should be burned for the lack of update.

Although what were mentioned can aptly apply, I'd rather want to call it as a LOVE award from one of my favorite bloggers Love2Type.
The award entitled me a link to her post so that her lovely blogger friends may come and visit my dormant blog. Yay!

To keep the good karma coming, I also have to share the love to five other bloggers along with a simple treat of revealing five unknown things about myself.

Let's talk about the secrets first assuming that it's what you came here for. LOL

1. I have a big crush on actor Patrick Garcia when I was a teen and I am still waiting for an up close and personal encounter with him in this lifetime. 

2. I see dead people.  

3. I love to watch old Tagalog movies and cried to some of them.

4. I dream of starring in an indie film.

5. I once dumped someone I really love.

Now, I am sharing the love to the following interesting bloggers.

1. Ephy. This single hot momma is my kumare who had been there with me through ups and downs. Please check her travels and beach bumming at Random Thoughts from Random Days.

2. Maldito. I still really don't know his real name but this guy is so damn funny without even trying. Get to know The Great Maldito and brace for some laughing fits.

3. Jewel. We both don't know each other. In fact, I have never placed a single comment on her blog but I really find Little Things Happy Life worth reading. You may want to check it out too.

4. Riz. She was one of my first five followers when I launched this blog two years ago. I never got to follow Im Riz back so I hope this would make it up to her.

5. Reesie. My beautiful soon-to-be-mom kumare has lots of interesting insights to share at the On the Top of My Head. She, however, is busy preparing for motherhood so her site is temporarily down. It may be up again soon. Let's see.

So, would you also tell a secret? Fire it up!

Happy Thought:
The fire really warmed my heart up. Thanks, Lotte!


  1. Thank you so much! :)
    You have no idea what it means to me and especially that this is the first email I saw when I opened my mail.

    I don't even think people read my blog. LOL! It really just started as a personal project. On rare occasions when I get messages like these, I am inspired to do better.

    Thanks again.




    Of course, I do remember u, but, then, sorry its been harder to keep track of the many blogs around the web. As a "repentance", I SUBSCRIBE, LIKE UR FB PAGE and even bookmrk this post so i could share this award onto my bloggers, too.

    Geez, where am I all those blogging nights...
    And, er, nothing had changed here. A nob before and more worse now:) Couldn't even know how to install the feedburner on my sidebar, haha

    Glad ur back...and THANKIES:)

  3. @Jewel: You're more than welcome. Ü It's nice to know that somehow I made your day. So keep blogging, I have my eyes on ya! LOL

    @Riz: Super thanks! Ü Will be bugging you once in a while for some mommy tips. Hehehe

  4. i have my crush on richard gutierez.. and thankfully, i don't see dead people. my own real life is scary enough as it is without their help. nyahaha

  5. @love2type: hahaha! thanks for dropping by. Ü hmmm richard huh. i'll take note of that. ;-)
