Thursday, December 15, 2011

Birthmas Wishlist

Lance was born five days before Christmas. Practically, this little fella is entitled to only one present that is good both for Christmas and his birthday. Hence, the Birthmas Wishlist.

Niza, my editor and kumare, has long requested me to post what she dubbed as Lance's registry. She said, it would make gift shopping easier for her and fellow godparents. Actually, we were afraid everyone will send pairs of socks as prompted by my Facebook wall post on Lance's new shoes. :D

The following are items in my Christmas shopping list for Lance. It would be really nice if you can cross one out for me. Ü

Lance already outgrew almost all of his clothes. Actually, I really never bought much before thinking that he would only be staying at home anyway. Looking at his photos, however, I noticed that he has been wearing the same tee, given by one of his ninongs as Christening gift, every time we go out. The sleeveless pambahays, on the other hand, are already faded. So new clothes are very much welcome. He is size 1 if you're going to buy him some tees and Large for shorts and sandos.

Glass Feeding Bottles
Why glass bottles? Well, I'm scared of the harmful BPA chemicals found in plastic bottles. I have also read somewhere that even BPA-free plastic bottles are not safe. Anyway, Lance has this weird habit of throwing his bottle right after he finished up his milk. My mom usually forgets to put on the protective rubber, which is supposed to prevent the bottle from breaking even when dropped, so to date he has only one feeding bottle left out of seven he used to have. The Evenflo bottle costs around P200 each without the protective rubber.

We're a little late bloomer when it comes to brushing. Lance now has five teeth but never brushed yet. Ewww! Good thing his breath still smells good. Do you know that he loves to watch me brush my teeth? A glow of excitement shows in his eyes everytime I do some brushing. So a first toothbrush would really be a wonderful present for him. There's a pair of First Years toothbrush in Metro Ayala. It costs around P150 to P200. You may also want to include toothpaste from Pigeon, which is about P100.

The only toys Lance knew are his teethers and the battery-operated ball-juggling and running turtle. When bored with them, he turns to our TV remote control and any stuff that he can reach, pull, and scatter in the house lived by 4 boring adults. Fortunately, tearing books and magazines; beating on empty tupperwares; and wrestling on pillows, among others simply made him happy and content. Until one day, we met Mickey Mouse at Toy Kingdom. I never saw him hug and cuddle a stuff toy before as he ignores the little ones we have at home. With the same height as he is, maybe Lance thought Mickey is a real boy that is on sale for P799.

Potty Trainer
Our big pooper here needs to cut down on his diaper consumption so maybe a potty trainer would help? :D

Got these funky feet socks as Christening present. The socks are not only funky but also really soft. I need new pairs in bigger size now though. Something that would perfectly match his new shoes. Ü

Havaianas Slippers
He can't wear shoes all the time outdoors. So some nice slippers would be great, don't you think? Ü

Toddler Stroller
We thought Lance won't need it so we gave his stroller away to his newborn cousin. Recently, carrying him in a carrier or in my arms proved really tiring even for him. A toddler stroller would really be handy. There's this easy to fold umbrella stroller for about P500-700 in Metro Ayala.

Lance is turning 1 soon. We will have some simple party at home. Do I still need to invite you? Hahaha Anyway, I will keep you posted. If there's a party, there's a cake, which three ninongs have already pledged or forced to pledge to take care of. Hehehe Thanks Drew, Edd, and Neil. ;)

Of course, anything that comes from your heart will be greatly and equally appreciated. Ü

Merry Christmas!

Please feel free to post a comment or to let us know which item you prefer getting for Lance to avoid duplication. Char! Ü

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